Nursing to Nursing (BSN)

An opportunity to gain a Post-Baccalaureate to Doctor of Nursing Practice.

Your Path to a BSN to Post Baccalaureate to Doctor of Nursing Degree

Delaware Tech has established agreements with other colleges and universities that connect Delaware Tech program graduates with continuing education programs to create smooth transfer opportunities for you.

Value For You

By completing your degree at Delaware Tech, you'll receive excellent instruction in small classes at a campus close to home. Delaware Tech's affordable tuition can reduce the overall cost of your college education.

Making The Connection

Refer to the Connected Degree curriculum for the sequence of courses needed to complete this program. Call Delaware Tech and let us help you follow the path to your bachelor's degree.

Connected Degree Curriculum - Suggested Course Sequence

Nursing RN to BSN (Delaware Technical Community College)

Semester One

Course Title Credits
ENG 122 Technical Writing 3
MAT 162 Statistical Reasoning 4
NUR 300 RN to BSN Transition 3
NUR 310 Global Health 3
NUR 320 Health Assessment 2

Semester Two

Course Title Credits
SOC 213 Ethical Issues in Healthcare 3
PSY 121 General Psychology 3
NUR 330 Population & Community Health 4
NUR 340 Nursing Research 3

Semester Three

Course Title Credits
BIO 130 Disease Process/Pathophysiology 3
HIS 210 World History II 3
NUR 400 Nursing Leadership 3
NUR 410 Nursing Informatics 3

Semester Four

Course Title Credits
NUR 420 Nursing Policy 3
NUR 460 Nursing Capstone 3
XXX XXX Language/Culture Elective** 4
XXX XXX Free Elective* 5


Master's Degree (MSN) Health Care Leadership Track

Core Courses

Course Title Credits
NURS 515 Epidemiology 3
NURS 542 Qualitative Research in Health Care 3
NURS 544 Quantitative Research in Health Care 3
MATH 502 Applied Statistics 3

Health Care Leadership Track Courses

Course Title Credits
NURS 525 Health Care System 3
NURS 526 Health Care Informatics 3
NURS 561 Health Care Management Seminar 3
NURS 562 Health Care Management Practicum 3
NURS 571 Health Care Leadership Seminar 3
NURS 572 Health Care Leadership Practicum 3
XXX XXX Non-Nursing Graduate Level Elective 3


Course Title Credits
NURS 590 Thesis OR 3
NURS 592 Internship OR 3
NURS 593/594/595 Capstone I/II/III 3

Students must attain 120 credits total to earn a bachelor's degree (65 credits are awarded for completing the Associate Degree in Nursing)

For More Information Contact:

Delaware Tech
Kelly Davis, Instructional Director RN to BSN
(302) 857-1211

Salisbury University
Annette Barnes, Graduate Program Director
(410) 546-4380

This articulation agreement is subject to change based on Delaware Tech and senior institution curriculum changes. Effective 2025/2030.